A group of everyday heroes encounter the fight of their lives in the deep mines of Northern Ontario where they unwittingly awaken an ancient giant...
In 9th century Khmer Empire, a cursed yet remarkable child is born with serpentine locks. She holds humanity's last hope, possessing the power of an...
Two flightless Onions, Henry and Harold, who go on a journey in the Snolly-Goster Woods.
In this adaptation of Homer's timeless epic, Armand Assante stars as Odysseus, the warrior King of the mythical island of Ithaca, who must endure a...
A rich story of love, intrigue, betrayal and belonging told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege of Troy.
An environmental police officer uncovers a hidden world of mythological entities from Brazilian folklore when he finds a connection between the...
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