When an injury bars him from pursuing his trade, Revolutionary War-era silversmith's apprentice Johnny Tremain finds a new life in the ranks of the...
A short documentary illustrating how art can influence public perception towards environmental issues. Green Patriot Posters is a highly acclaimed...
At his court-martial, an American Army officer renounces his country. For his punishment he is ordered to spend the rest of his life on a ship that...
François Villon, in his lifetime the most renowned poet in France, is also a prankster, an occasional criminal, and an ardent patriot.
Young America is a 1942 American drama film directed by Louis King and written by Samuel G. Engel. The film stars Jane Withers, Jane Darwell, Lynne...
This is the story of Wojtek - a magnificent 500lb military bear who fought in World War Two alongside a band of Polish soldiers, shared their beer...
The story of President Monroe's response to attempts by Spain to interfere in South America.
Everyone knows the story of Paul Revere and his famous midnight ride to warn colonial forces of the British approach. But history books don't tell of...
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