The family-friendly movie explores the transformational role prayer plays in the lives of the Jordan family. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, a...
Led by Donna and Reverend W.C. Martin, 22 families from a rural Black church in the small East Texas town of Possum Trot adopt 77 of the most...
Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus....
When a high school teacher is asked a question in class about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in deep trouble and could expel God from the...
The fastest man on four wheels, Ricky Bobby is one of the greatest drivers in NASCAR history. A big, hairy American winning machine, Ricky has...
A paralysingly beautiful documentary with a global vision—an odyssey through landscape and time—that attempts to capture the essence of...
Charts the headlong fall of Pinkie, a razor-wielding disadvantaged teenager with a religious death wish.
The PTL Club, later called The Jim and Tammy Show, and in its last days PTL Today and Heritage Today, was a Christian television program first hosted...
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