Five months following the murders, Christopher Robin struggles to maintain a regular life while dealing with PTSD. However, deep within the...
Plot TBA. The third installment in the Blood and Honey series. New characters will be introduced, including Rabbit, the Heffalumps and the Woozles.
An obsessed cop is on the trail of a serial killer prowling the streets of Buffalo, N.Y. but when his teenage daughter disappears, he drops any...
A man finds himself in a padded room to prevent him from battering himself to death – an option he would have considered in due course, as the...
Young princess Anna of Arendelle dreams about finding true love at her sister Elsa’s coronation. Fate takes her on a dangerous journey in an...
Matheo is a 17 years old students. Despite being a good one he is lonely and has no friends. His family is precarious. Born from an alcoholic father...
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