In the early hours of the night, young David Maclean sees a flying saucer land and disappear into the sand dunes just beyond his house. Slowly, all...
In England, an eccentric police inspector, an earnest test pilot and a spunky female reporter team up to solve the mystery of a series of test...
A young alien falls for a pretty teenage Earth girl and they team up to try to stop the plans of his invading cohorts, who intend to use Earth as a...
After procuring a special ray gun, a precocious orphan helps his community by exposing the shady doings of local government, and plays a part in a...
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
An electronic ray that can counter any aerial attacks has just been invented by Professor Goodwin, but before he can put in good hands, he is...
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