After a civil war erupts, killing her entire family, 16-year-old Shade escapes to Australia on a refugee boat helmed by the captain of a people...
"I Am Rohingya" is a chronicle of the journey made by 14 young refugees, who share their endeavouring experiences amidst the Myanmar internal...
Umbrella drinks and genocide. More than 24.000 Rohingyas have been killed. Over 900.000 Rohingyas have fled their homes. Rapes and beatings are...
Within a few months, the Kutupalong refugee camp has become the biggest in the world. Out of sight, 700,000 people of the Rohingya Muslim minority...
An elderly widow finds an unexpected visitor, a young asylum-seeking girl, in her home during dinner. Inspired by a 2012 event, whereby 40 Burmese...
This BBC Three film follows the first all Asian girls’ cricket team over the summer holidays as they train for their last ever tournament...
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