Salem, Massachusetts. A small town—with no clear governing body—became embroiled in a scandal that forever stands as one of the darkest...
Evil returns to Salem's Cove. It's up to the sheriff and his closest allies to save not only the town but the world from an evil force that hasn't...
Landmark TV adaptation of the Arthur Miller play. Nominated for 3 Emmy awards.
A group of Salem Witch Trial re-enactors find themselves at the center of a modern-day witch hunt.
In the form of an old doll a vengeful witches curse from 1692 Salem is released upon a family trapped in a historic English mansion.
A young girl living in Salem attracts the attentions of The Puritan. After he's brushed off by the girl, he becomes furious and desiring revenge,...
In the late 1600s, more than 150 men and women were accused of being witches. After the infamous Salem Witch Trials, 19 people were hanged for their...
Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. When the local authorities and various inhabitants begin to believe that there are witches among them, a collective...
A history of Salem trials
Return to Colonial New England for a fresh look at the infamous events of Puritan Salem.
When Callie Baxter inherits her recently deceased aunt's estate, she moves to Emerson Massachusetts, a small town bordering Salem. She soon finds...
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