The journey of Gabriel and Daniel, two brothers cursed by the Chinese mafia with its feared Three Generations Revenge, who have already reaped the...
Tough-as-nails vampire hunter Derek Bliss is on the hunt for "suckers" in the heart of Mexico when he receives a new assignment from a mysterious...
The true story of WWII's notorious Sobibor Nazi death camp, where a courageous inmate orchestrates and leads the escape of over 300 prisoners.
Jharia, India, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Fires rage underground, smoke and dangerous fumes belch from cracks in the ground. This is...
Shot at 2,000 frames per second, this short shows a man exhaling smoke in incredibly slow motion.
This film was shot on Super-8 by Derek Jarman in 1977 and is considered to be the inspiration for Jubilee. Jarman often showed his films silent or...
Zlatko Kovač, a provincial professor, gets the job in the big city's school, only to find out that his red-employment is not random. Professor...
Smoking Gun follows the thrilling story of The Smoker being stalked and attacked by The Gun.
Conversation between man and woman that leads to some unexpected events.
Mix of surrealist images of bubbles and smoke with some documentation of the world lived by Man Ray and Lee Miller.
Meet Charley, your jovial cartoon guide to Britain’s changing towns and cities.
Somewhere between dream, life, and death, a girl sees HERself confronted with HER images of two important people in HER life and HERself.
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