Forcibly separated from her twin brother when they are orphaned, a melancholic misfit learns how to find confidence within herself amid the clutter...
An adorable candy-loving mutt goes on a mission to save the world.
A half hour animated film for all the family based on the much-loved book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The Snail...
From his cozy library inside the walls of a suburban home, an intellectual snail tells of his life’s love, loss and change.
A short film about the award ceremony at Berlinale '21 and then also about a snail.
A slug doesn't move any faster than a peeing scout.
At an all time low in her personal and professional life, young architect Charlotte stumbles upon a mysterious structure in her backyard.
Bermuda is a film about love
Cut-out animated parody of Hamlet by pioneering British animator Anson Dyer.
The shots were taken during a four-hour performance in the forest ('Bio-striptease' by Katia Feltrin), where snails devour a dress of lettuce sewn...
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