Heidi is orphaned and her uncaring maternal Aunt Dete takes her to the mountains to live with her reclusive, grumpy paternal grandfather, Adolph...
In a temper, Meg, a cynical, overworked TV executive, rants about how the movies she produces lie, making you think dreams can come true, and tries...
A miracle occurs for a homeless family consisting of two wayward children and their protective aunt with the help of an angel. When a young woman's...
My Silent Christmas Wish is a short silent film shot on an iPhone during Christmas as an experiment and a fun creative project. It delves into the...
Because she believes she is standing in the way of her parents' happiness, seven-year-old Sarah runs away from home. But the world is too big for the...
Two people who decide to hook-up for the first time distract themselves with comforting conversation.
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