When the first manned flight to Venus returns to Earth, the rocket crash-lands in the Mediterranean near a small Italian fishing village. The locals...
Offering only the finest amenities, the ‘TITAN 1C’ space-cruiser is considered the most luxurious star-liner ever built. Future...
After the events of Pitch Black, a contractor is hired to locate Riddick, dead or alive. He reviews available information on him and the events of...
In the near future, a ship of space explorers crash land on an unknown planet. They're soon met with some of their worst fears as they discover the...
A team of astronauts on the first mission to Mars crashes onto the surface, losing contact with Earth. With no other recourse, and help millions of...
After a herd of reindeer are mysteriously found dead following a meteor crash in a remote part of Lapland in northern Sweden, soldiers and a...
An unknown object crashes and disables all electronics within a fifty mile radius, later causing extreme manias to surface within the affected...
Four astronauts returning from man's first mission to Mars enter a time warp and crash on a 26th Century Earth devastated by atomic war. At first...
After a UFO sighting, a mysterious phantom in a bizarre outfit starts attacking people in San Fernando Valley.
Routine tests on a traffic accident victim lead to shocking discoveries when the man's blood is found to be unidentifiable and x-rays reveal a disc...
Stranded on planet Vesta Minor, the two surviving crew members of the star craft Vesta-1 perform a series of bizarre rituals using alien flora and...
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