When the popular, restless Landon Carter is forced to participate in the school drama production, he falls in love with Jamie Sullivan, the daughter...
In Verona, bad blood between the Montague and Capulet families leads to much bitterness. Despite the hostility, Romeo Montague manages an invitation...
Life in 1847 Paris is as spirited as champagne and as unforgiving as the gray morning after. In gambling dens and lavish soirees, men of means exert...
In the struggle for land a vicious feud erupts between two men, who commit their families to a war without truce. Over two generations they are moved...
This top-seller recounts the saga of Italians who immigrated to Brazil during the XIX century, seeking their fortunes in America. The forbidden love...
It tells the story of Dongfang Huaizhu and Wangquan Hongye, the leaders of two major families, the Dongfangs and the Wangquans. In a time when humans...
A young woman is fated to relive the love of an earlier life. Separated by time, young Serena and botanist Rafael surmount all obstacles as they live...
A mature and successful woman, Helena becomes involved with Edu, who is twenty years her junior. She battles prejudice in order to live her love, but...