In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and...
Barbie and her best friends Teresa and Renee transform from hard-working gymnasts to undercover secret agents. When their amazing gymnastics skills...
A foster family in South Central a few weeks before the city erupts in violence following the verdict of the Rodney King trial in 1992.
Momo is a young orphan girl who lives in the ruins of an old Roman amphitheater and becomes friends with everybody in the neighborhood. But when a...
Fredrik isn’t the bravest of men, but now he is faced with a great responsibility and an enormous task - to get the entire Norwegian gold...
A dark, hip, urban story of a barren and anonymous city where the underclass' sport of choice is ram-raiding. An exciting game in which stolen cars...
A young backpacker gets into some trouble in Africa and stows away on a cargo ship heading to Europe.
Rudi, a polite and quiet office hand, shares a special bond with his elderly grandpa. When Grandpa falls victim to a uniquely heartless phone scam...
Martha Horgan is a withdrawn, mentally disabled woman who lives with her aunt, Frances. One of Martha's unusual traits is that she doesn't lie, a...
A normal married couple trying to be criminals; all for the sake of their one wish to have a family. As they face the all too familiar struggle for...
When a financial titan suddenly finds himself divorced and jobless, he starts robbing his wealthy neighbors to stay afloat. Stealing from his own...
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