In the midst of the Great Depression, manipulative emcee Rocky enlists contestants for a dance marathon offering a $1,500 cash prize. Among them are...
Mourning the accidental death of his wife and having just moved to New York with his young son, laconic police psychologist Cal Jamison is...
In 1974, television reporter Christine Chubbuck struggles with depression and professional frustrations as she tries to advance her career.
A young couple's suicide pact goes awry, leaving the woman to face her survival with a new admirer while pining for her lost love.
Thirteen women who were schoolmates ask a swami to cast their horoscopes. The news they receive is not good for any of them.
Naples, 1959. Pure Mathematics professor Renato Caccioppoli, Bakunin's grandson, is a tortured soul. Recently discharged from the psychiatric...
The actress Lola Dewaere recounts the film career and traumatic life of celebrated actor Patrick Dewaere, the father she never knew, under the...
Haunted by memories of his ex-girlfriend Alice, a heartbroken Billy returns home to Northern Virginia seeking solace from old friends. But what he...
A podcaster investigates the urban legend of an amateur porn video that drives its viewers to madness.
How a young man spends his last day before taking his own life.
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