Eight of the world's most legendary monsters, along with their diabolical managers, compete in a wrestling tournament deathmatch to determine the...
A documentary-style drama based on true accounts of the Fouke Monster in Arkansas.
SWAMP DEVIL is the story of young Melanie Blaime (Cindy Sampson) and her father Howard (Bruce Dern). After a long estrangement from her father for...
Dynamite fishing in a rural swamp revives a prehistoric gill monster that must have the blood of human females in order to survive.
A reunion between 4 friends quickly goes awry when they find themselves face to face with Erzulie the swamp mermaid goddess.
The disappearance of Jill (Lonna Cottrell), in the first film, prompts her sister, stepmother and best friend to go to the island in search of her....
Three kids (ages 3, 4, and 11) find a mysterious spider and phone in the swamp, while recording their experience in their house showing off these...
A glowing green meteor crashes into the swamp and is recovered by a group of local teens. When the authorities investigate the area, they discover...
Doctor who lived at the edge of a swamp was found murdered with his neck slaughtered. Investigator, together with a jury made up of...
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