A nine-year-old boy gets a plastic Indian and a cupboard for his birthday and finds himself involved in adventure when the Indian comes to life and...
All roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so...
Six Māori Battalion soldiers camped in Italian ruins wait for night to fall. In the silence, the bros-in-arms distract themselves with jokes. A...
"The War and the Dream of Momi" was a patriotic war film directed by Giovanni Pastrone. Segundo de Chomón was responsible for the animation...
Watch the history of the GI Joe Action figure unfold in this two hour documentary, with the story told by the original Hasbro creative team....
Two lego space cowboys fight for survival. After one of them dies, a mysterious space man walks into the fight, he's riding an Iron Man Space Ship....
A little girl gathers a few toy soldiers to conduct a battle.
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