Lifelong friends Dave and Mitch are envious of the other's life. Mitch thinks Dave has it all: a beautiful, loving family and a high-paying job at a...
Based on the original cartoons, the show revolves around the professional and private adventures of three bachelor nurses in a Dutch hospital. Fatima...
Valentine's Day is a 1964 comedy television series that appeared on ABC's schedule. The series starred Tony Franciosa as Valentine Farrow, a swinging...
Some of The Bachelor's biggest stars and villains are back. They all left The Bachelor or The Bachelorette with broken hearts, but now they know what...
Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped...
Successful restaurateur and man-about-town Jimmy Martino is used to being the most suave, most handsome and most single person in the room. All that...
Lotsa Luck is an American sitcom that aired during the 1973-74 television season. The series stars Dom DeLuise as bachelor Stanley Belmont who lives...
When Jason broke off his longtime relationship, he got caught up in the bachelor lifestyle. Now his friends are settling down, leaving Jason feeling...