When nuclear weapons are smuggled into America, FBI Agent Shane Daughtry is faced with an impossible task -- find them before they are detonated. The...
The Dog House is a legendary New York dive bar, owned by an extraordinary family. Three people, from different back grounds, enter at closing time on...
An original animated film that tells the biblical story of Joseph and his brothers in a stimulating and humorous way by giving the characters Pontius...
Was Judas Iscariot, the apostle whose kiss sentenced Jesus Christ to the crucifix, a patriot who argued with Jesus or a pawn of the Roman occupiers?...
Taken from his people, Daniel is exiled inside the perilous kingdom of Babylon. As he navigates this new life, will his trust in God remain steadfast...
The people of Jerusalem are suffering under the reign of Herod, and are hoping to be delivered from the Roman occupiers by the Messiah whose arrival,...
The aging king of Israel, Ahab, falls under the influence of a young and beautiful but scheming Pagan woman named Jezebel and, against the advice of...