First transmitted in 1977, this documentary follows three months in the life of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Green Jackets (also known as the Black...
Afghanistan, 2006, Helmand Province becomes one of the most dangerous places on Earth as the British Army is deployed into the Taliban heartland. The...
The 'Roslin Castle' (Troopship) Leaving for South AfricaHD
IMDb: 2.5
Spectators on the quayside at Southampton wave farewell as the crowded troopship Roslin Castle moves away to the right of the picture. Large numbers...
A powerful and poignant film in which families and friends of those who have died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq talk openly about their loved ones...
Ali is stands out. He's one of the few British Muslim soldiers in the Armed Forces. Returning home from duty in Afghanistan for his father's funeral,...
An embarkation reportage film from the Boer War, a popular film subject at this time. Soldiers with bicycles appear in this parade. The British Army...
In a North of England training camp, lovestruck Corporal Kenyon (Harry Kemble) is framed and demoted in rank by a rival in love for the affections of...