An apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and most everyone is crazed...
After an apocalyptic event, the remnants of humanity create an artificial intelligence to save them.
One man's quest for revenge in a post-apocalyptic world
Godspeed follows the journey of Iris, a young woman, and her adorable karaoke-bot sidekick named Bowie as they navigate the desolate landscape and...
In the year 2057, a greedy CEO takes control of the Earth, and it's up to his rebellious daughter and a cyberpunk hacker to save mankind.
Jay-Z aims to unite the new and older generations of rap fans, while also reflecting on his own infidelity.
Adem lives a repetitive and monotonous life until he finds himself caught between reality and a virtual world. In this perplexing realm, he...
In a dystopian near-future, a young couple slowly realizes their mega-corporation employer's VR work-from-home routine is draining the life out of...
When a data analyst receives a cryptic email and phone call he begins to doubt his reality.
Jeremiah Cardinal, the Prime Minister of Canada is faced with American invasion. Having been evacuated to a secret bunker, he wants to do more than...
This anti-smoking public information film has the kind of stylistic sheen often associated with 1980s British advertising, with its sci-fi setting,...
One comes to Earth after a few decades in space. But what if there is no Earth anymore? What if the only thing left of all the cities and countries...
Near future. Giovanni is one of the creators of a special elixir that regenerates cells. The human being has overcome the greatest limit: mortality....
The main character of the film writes a diary. For over 20 years he has lived in a bunker and has not ventured outside. His only companions are...
In a dystopian, futuristic, and religious Israel. The poster boy of the fascist government rebels against the wishes of his father, the minister of...
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