Muthu Pandi, a village strongman, decides to marry Dhanalakshmi, and begins his quest by eliminating everyone who opposes their union - starting with...
George Vadakkan is the quintessential prodigal son of a priest, who wished he followed the father’s path. His friends and George generally hang...
The son of a disgraced kabaddi player realises his father's dream of helping his team, Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu, win the title in a kabaddi tournament.
'Panga' follows the triumphs and struggle of a national level Kabbadi player from India who receives the love and support from her family to help...
Ritwick plays a primary school teacher, Milon, who is also a kabaddi coach, while Sohini plays his sister, Sheema. Arjun plays Chanchal, a...
A group of youngsters in a villagers who are crazy about cricket learn about the history of kabadi and take up the sport, but a rivalry with a...
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