The story centers on an elderly hibakusha, whose husband was one of 80,000 human beings killed in the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki, caring for her...
College student Danielle must cover her tracks when she unexpectedly runs into her sugar daddy at a shiva - with her parents, ex-girlfriend and...
After the loss of his daughter, Jurek, together with his father-in-law Ben, decides to perform the Chinese minghun ritual
An ant colony finds that the strange new food source they've discovered may be something more of a curse than a boon.
Meeting after many years, a makeup artist and her grandmother revisit tensions from an old family feud that still hangs heavy between them.
A young woman crosses a confined provincial town and its outskirts. Once at her destination, a strange mourning protocol awaits her.
“Gjama” is a rarely practiced mourning ritual that was performed by Albanian men throughout the centuries. By shouting specific phrases...
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