After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically...
A young couple makes one last ditch effort to recuperate their failing relationship. Taking an impromptu trip to a secluded camping location amidst...
A journey to an unknown star, a children's theatre play, an untalented writer and the fear of becoming the worst version of oneself. A mixture of...
In 2006, a 20 year old animal and nature lover ventures into the woods with a camera and a sense of serenity, only to discover that he would emerge...
A step-by-step illustration of how institutions including the United Nations and secret societies, such as freemasonry and the European Union, have...
Gregg G. Allin has a semi-successful podcast exploring paranormal events. When Amityville is overrun with a spate of toilet murders leading back to...
A traumatized cheer captain races to stop a masked killer and the new tourist attraction aimed to exploit her tragedy from a year earlier.
Two old friends reunite by chance the same day a new quarantine is announced.
Sensitive Parts is a tender and sharply observed dramatic comedy about a young woman who is forced to confront her social anxiety and interpersonal...
What do you do if you look like the girl in the nude photo? Exactly one year after the sudden death of her twin sister Sara, Ines's life is turned...
Filmed mostly on a Mini DV camera Gavin has thought of a quick way to become successful and be the master of the world but he has to wait for it all...
Two young strangers meet in Naples and begin to flirt and dance in the street.
In Munich a Nazi terror cell plans an assault as the corona lockdown starts and dismisses their plans.
Every Shadow Seems Alive
A man's quiet night gets interrupted when he realizes that there's someone or SOMETHING else in his house.
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