Han, a Filipino-Korean boxer hits the final punch against his opponent at an illegal game and returns home with a few dollars to pay for his mother's...
Yuddy, a Hong Kong playboy known for breaking girls' hearts, tries to find solace and the truth after discovering the woman who raised him isn't his...
After a demonstration of new PT boats, navy brass are still unconvinced of their viability in combat, leaving Lt. "Rusty" Ryan frustrated. After the...
Isabel and Clara are two childhood friends separated by fate. Isabel is a naive provincial lass who works as an indigenous fabric weaver while Clara...
On The Job is about the ambitions and passions of four men trying to make a living, for themselves and their families. It shows the parallels between...
When a terrorist's body, infected with a stolen chemical, is recovered by the US military, the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing a virus...
For over 40 days days, 20 players isolated on an exotic island in the Philippines will face extreme mental and physical challenges. They will have to...
House of Hancock tells the epic true story of the Hancock dynasty and the bizarre love triangle that emerged between Lang, his daughter Gina, and his...
Best friends Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel to locations across the globe to immerse themselves in the lives of the toughest, strongest, fittest...