Featuring two-time world champion magician Shawn Farquhar, this documentary explores the unique relationship between the art of magic and playing...
Sam the white-washer pines for the affluent Lindy, but she has dumped him in favor of another. Sam finds a large sum of money, and goes to New York...
This short documentary "Out of the Box" explores the evolution and artistry of a niche hobby known as cardistry—the skillful manipulation of...
This behind the scenes documentary showcases a Singapore-based collective who practice the art of card flourishing. To date, Virtuoso (a.k.a. The...
Explains the history of playing cards, which designs exist in which countries and how the design of the cards has changed.
The future of dueling is revving up! And with it begins a new legend! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's! Welcome to New Domino City! Once the playground to legendary...
Thanks to Sharuru, a fairy from the Trump Kingdom, and the power of mysterious accessories called Cure Lovies, Mana transforms into Cure Heart! Mana,...
Here come the Crown Knights: Sunday Spades — the poker-faced leader and possessor of the mysterious trump power! Jo Diamonds — who can...
Ten thousand years ago, a massive battle royale known as the Battle Fight was fought by fifty-two Undead, each representing a species fighting for...
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