When struggling, out of work actor Michael Dorsey secretly adopts a female alter ego – Dorothy Michaels – in order to land a part in a...
Dave, nineteen, has just graduated high school, with his three friends: the comical Cyril, the warm hearted but short-tempered Moocher, and the...
A tenor, in suit and tie, with a receding hairline, sings a ballad to his love, “Your Face Is Like a Song,” to simple piano...
A spoof of the Filipino fantasy icon Ang Panday and He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
Eetu, a wealthy homeowner, attempts to seduce Leena Kosken. But when austere log boy Erkki meets her at midsummer dances, Leena falls in love with...
Olle, an introverted, well-mannered boy with an air of innocence and sincerity about him has been camping with his father at the same camping ground...
Upon his father's death, Florante, a classically trained guitarist returns to the Philippines after 12 years of absence. During his stay he...
Watch David’s successful concert in Hanover from April 2012.
The Happines Boys Billy Jones and Earnie Hare are invited to a party, but separate themselves from the rest of the guests, so they can not be urged...
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