One Night of Stars The setting is in the middle of the Edo Period during the reign of Yoshimune Tokugawa. Kinosuke Amano is the second son of the...
Takarazuka Revue Snow Troupe 2002 production, based on "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell. Special 88th Anniversary production along with...
Yoshitsune was once a hero, a genius strategist who defeated the Heike. But his older brother Yoritomo regarded him as dangerous and betrayed him,...
The year is 1862, the twilight of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Bonnie & Clyde is a musical with music by Frank Wildhorn, lyrics by Don Black and a book by Ivan Menchell. The musical centers on Bonnie Parker and...
A dance show with the themes of "life," "love," and "hope," that creates a "sensational" atmosphere that captures the attention.
Takarazuka Snow Troupe 2019 performance, based on a novel of the same name ("Mibu Gishi Den") by Asada Jirō. It is a time of turmoil in the last...
The critically acclaimed all-woman Japanese acting revue Takarazuka brings Rurouni Kenshin to life, creating a new twist on a globally loved story.
Musical by the Takarazuka Revue. In modern day France, an exhibition is being held at the Palace of Versailles of the "Necklace of Marie Antoinette"....
The time: the 1920s. The place: New York City. The Lower East Side, on the southeast corner of Manhattan Island, is home to a great many Jewish...
Yamate Kiichirō published many literary masterpieces, including "Yumesuke and the Gift of 1000 Ryō". An adaption of this masterpiece of a...
Takarazuka Revue Snow Troupe 2007 production of the Viennese musical 'Elisabeth'
Takarazuka Snow Troupe performance starring Tsukishiro Kanato and Towaki Sea
The Takarazuka Revue’s signature Show Groove features a mesmerizing and rousing collection of popular standards. Opening with a prologue...
Takarazuka Snow Troupe 2021 performance based on the novel "The Man Who Was Magic" by Paul Gallico.
Takarazuka Snow Troupe performance. A romantic tale presented as the Grand Theatre debut performance of the new top pair of Snow Troupe, Sakina...
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