After being kidnapped by a predatory old vampire, Kurt becomes part of a gang of rebellious vampires who feed on bigots and abusers. As a vampire he...
A documentary on Queercore, the cultural and social movement that began as an offshoot of punk and was distinguished by its discontent with society's...
Teenage Lindsey McCabe loses her opportunity for a college scholarship to a transgender athlete. In her father Steve's fight for fairness, he learns...
At a time when the far right is ascending to power around the world, the 2020 Brazilian municipal elections saw a surprising and unprecedented record...
Bigger-than-life revolutionary, Indianara and her group lead a fight for the survival of transgender people in Brazil. She gathers her forces for one...
Caitlyn Jenner's first public appearance since her transition included making an impassioned, heartfelt speech at the ESPY Awards about the need for...