Loosely based on the Charles Dickens' classic novel, "Great Expectations" is a sensual tale of a young man's unforgettable passage into manhood, and...
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis BaconHD
IMDb: 6
In the 1960s, British painter Francis Bacon surprises a burglar and invites him to share his bed. The burglar, a working class man named George Dyer,...
A painter in the throes of a creative block finds inspiration thanks to a fascinating and mysterious gallery owner, but he can't expect the shocking...
In 1994, real-life crop artist Stan Herd traveled from Kansas to Manhattan's Upper West Side to create a massive environmental artwork on land owned...
Artful Penny could indeed draw anything she wanted with her magic crayon and it would spring into life. A fantastically useful toy to have. Only her...