After his father, an assassin, is brutally murdered, Nick Gant vows revenge on Division, the covert government agency that dabbles in psychic warfare...
An assassin goes through obstacles as he attempts to escape his violent lifestyle despite the opposition of his partner, who is secretly attracted to...
Set against the complex tapestry of Hong Kong residents, a multifaceted group of women sets off a chain of life-altering events that leaves everyone...
My Date with a Vampire is a 1998 Hong Kong television series produced by ATV. The story is based on the future events of the plot of Vampire Expert,...
"News Treasury" explores historical news events and rarely seen footage, allowing viewers to dig into the news archives. From Bruce Lee's funeral and...
"Anita" chronicles the life of the iconic Hong Kong singer Anita Mui, whose dazzling career can be traced back to childhood. No less captivating than...