It tells the story of a family with four children consisting of 1 boy and 3 girls. The four children are very dependent on their parents, especially...
A young woman takes a trip to romantic Verona, Italy, after a breakup, only to find that the villa she reserved was double-booked, and she'll have to...
Writer Daku is faced with the choice of immediate marriage, but always loses in romance. Unfortunately, his girlfriend Nadya accepts a proposal from...
A young woman got a sweet surprise from her boyfriend: a trip to Seoul with her two besties who love K-Dramas much like herself. She had lots of fun,...
Let Go Of My Baby is a reality show, where parents let celebrities take care of their child for about a month. They also set different activities at...
Yamada Fumiko, nicknamed Bun, is a poor university student who lives alone in Kita Senju, Tokyo with her talking soft toy Hokusai. A shy person and a...