A musical horror story about two young women who are stalked through a shopping mall by a cannibal. He follows them home, and here the victims become...
A Los Angeles luxury real estate agent finds herself in crisis after making a strange discovery during a routine showing. PARFUM explores the absurd...
A newlywed couple checks into an old hotel in New Orleans where the wife begins having dreams in which she encounters a sinister group of people who...
Tsubomi Hanasaki is a girl in the second grade of middle school who likes flowers and plants. One day she experiences a weird dream. In that dream, a...
Min Jae-Hee is a middle aged woman. She is a housewife who has devoted her life to her family, but her family gets destroyed. Min Jae-Hee is furious...
Najica, perfumer and secret agent, is sent out on a number of recovery missions to round up rogue androids with combat abilities. Najica is assigned...
Go! Princess PreCure is set in a boarding junior high school, named Noble Academy. The protagonist Haruka Haruno is a 13-year-old first-year student....
National treasures, important cultural properties, and other supreme treasures are displayed in glass cases in museums and art galleries. You want to...
A talented perfumer, Gu Ying Ying, is on the path of revenge when she meets Han Yichen, the only son of the president of the Han family. He was in a...