As beloved Broadway star Lillian Hall pours her heart, soul, and time into preparing for her next big role, she finds herself blindsided by confusion...
Five friends in their 20ies try to make it as artists while struggling with psychological disorders and disregulated lives. Abandoned to themselves,...
Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to...
Eiji Kitahama joins the drama club with dreams of having a harem like the ones from his favorite manga. Rin Nanakura, an underclassman, finds herself...
Starlight is a play loved throughout the world. Karen and Hikari make a promise with each other when they're young that one day they'll stand on that...
Two pop idol Ai fans are reincarnated as her "secret" baby twins, Aqua and Ruby, and grow up supporting her until the tragic day she is stabbed by a...
It seems like a fairy tale story. Plucked from obscurity by the legendary actress Chigusa Tsukikage, 13-year-old Maya Kitajima is given the chance of...
Performers compete for a multi-episode guest-starring role on season three of hit series Glee. Over the course of the competition, the winner will be...
Sunao Konoe is very lively high school student who dreams of becoming a professional actress. After changing schools, she wants to establish a drama...