Captured by a ruthless gang of bank robbers, foes Diabolik and Ginko find themselves facing certain death. While Eva Kant and Altea forge an unlikely...
The Mega Mondo Pop Cartoon-a-Con in sunny California marks the spot for mystery in this all-new original Scooby-Doo adventure! The Mystery Inc. pals...
1960s, the city of Clerville. The forthcoming visit of heiress Eva Kant, who'll be bringing a famous pink diamond with her, catches the attention of...
Examines the dawn of the comic book genre and its powerful legacy, as well as the evolution of the characters who leapt from the pages over the last...
Inspired by Tiziano Sclavi's Dylan Dog, Dylan Dawn is a "Nightmare Investigator" who lives with his eccentric assistant Bang and solves cases dealing...