As her marriage to decorated war hero Oliver draws near, well-heeled Diana moves into an apartment within an otherwise unoccupied, sprawling London...
Following a strange encounter with a swan found on the streets of London, a girl begins to lose her grip on reality. She is led to a large house...
After a feverish dream, a paralysed dreamer finds themselves trapped within a purgatory of their sleep, as they begin to fuse with their bed. The...
An animated film drawn entirely in pastels. Various fantastical plant-like things "grow" from the ground, eventually launching five spheres. The...
A woman enters an experimental treatment that creates a shared subconscious with her estranged husband. But when a mysterious and hostile presence...
The heroine lives in Kyiv in the present and sees dreams with the recurring motif that takes place eighty years ago. In these dreams, she searches...
A tired writer lacks the energy or ambition to keep writing. The writer then gets transported into a DREAMSCAPE where he travels to his dreams and...
A collection of interwoven images are threaded together by a string of unspecified women who roam their dreamscape which they are unable to escape....
Visual companion to the album Oh My God by Kevin Morby. Described by Morby as "half documentary and half dreamscape."
Ezra Thorne faces yet another threat from his checkered past.
A hypnotic experimental animation about the loneliness of schizophrenia.
From home to sea to grave to sky.
A following deceit leads Giovanna to dwell over memories from her past relationship.
TECHNICOLOR DREAM is a video art of vivid imagery and symbolic scenarios. It is a portrayal of passion,agony,memories and melancholy through...
A short film following a girl and her sister through their make-believe dreams under their fort.
Twin brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer helping their great uncle Stan run a...
Marianne is in bed after falling from her horse. She occupies herself by doodling in a sketch book, drawing a boy inside a bare house. When Marianne...
무료 무제한 액세스, 아무 광고 나 검색, 수백만 개의 타이틀 및 매일 추가, 모든 플랫폼 및 완전히 최적화 됨, 언제 어디서나