All Access to Rossa: 25 Shining Years tells the story of the life and career of Rossa, a prominent Indonesian pop diva. This documentary film offers...
Mirabelle and her traveling family band, the Veggietones, are determined to make their next gig at Vegtable Square Garden. On their journey, a fierce...
The portrait of a woman who remembers. Sheila tells the story of Sheila, without concessions or evasions. Her childhood, her parents, her beginnings,...
On Easter Sunday, 1939, contralto Marian Anderson stepped up to a microphone in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Inscribed on the walls of the monument...
Stien den Hollander, stage name S10, a candid and vulnerable insight into her life. In the documentary, directors Linda Hakeboom and Rolf Hartogensis...