As the only employed member of a large family, Aditya Singh a big-hearted mechanic, works hard to provide for his siblings, his grandmother and a...
A desperate rescue attempt leads to the continuation of the lives of two young girls. Their families will do everything they can to keep their own...
In the midst of a battlefield in Flanders during the First World War, British soldier Eddie finds himself facing a mysterious figure who reveals...
SAMIN (21), a drunken man hopes to get a second chance on court day by appealing to the judge.
Light Yagami is an ordinary university student. One day, he receives a "Death Note", which changes his life. The Death Note awakens his warped sense...
An angel called L accidentally saves Han Si Yeong, who was meant to die, when she gives him her necklace. Now it's her mission to live on earth and...
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