The ambitious success stories of 6 people surrounding Prince Lee Bang Won, and the ideological and political conflict between Prince Lee Bang Won and...
Set during the turbulent time of the fall of Goryeo and the founding of Joseon, two former friends face-off against one another over a woman and the...
King Hyeonjong and Kang Kam-chan led the 8-year-long 2nd and 3rd Goryeo-Khitan Wars to victory and began an era of peace in East Asia and prosperity...
Wang So is the Prince of Goryeo who has a cursed fate. He had to get married with the Last Princess of Balhae, Shin Yool. She was born with the fate...
Set between late Koryo Dynasty and early Choson Dynasty period. Jung Do-Jeon plans for the new country of "Choson" and new culture as an influential...