Liz, just returned home after a mental breakdown, has to welcome a relative stranger into her home when Caitlin, a young, vivacious woman, claims to...
The story revolves around an office worker named Lu Ming and a high school student named Deng Yu, who shares the same appearance. One day, they meet...
Girl meets guy; girl falls for guy; guy turns out to have a dark and deadly secret. You know the drill. As women tell their real-life "I Dated An Axe...
Jeon Seong Ki works as a dating coach who is a professional at creating scandals. Cha Soo Bin is an entertainment reporter who disguises herself as a...
Fame decides to audition for the famous idol group "Newtype" to find the truth about the death of her sister Farn, a former member of the group. She...
Naoko, who is a medical student falls in love for the first time for her uncle, Masato. She gets admitted into a prestigious medical school in Tokyo...