This special cut of the anime series recaps the events of the slice of life comedy where lewd manga artist Kakushi Goto tries to hide his profession...
Softcore porn collaboration between Nikkatsu director Shinya Yamamoto and gag manga artist Fujio Akatsuka, utilizing both creators' comedy techniques...
A young French man living in Japan dreams about becoming a mangaka. But on the day of his appointment to apply for a mangaka job, an unexpected event...
Japanese Masao Maruyama, co-founder of the Madhouse studio and producer of the cult films Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers talks about the fantastic...
About a lady and her cat. The lady's cat dies and she loses all inspiration to continue living, and doing her work from home job. One day when forced...
The size of the Japanese animation market was 2,426 billion yen by 2020. More than half of that amount came from overseas sales. The manga market is...