Set against the backdrop of a beautiful garden in the heart of London, this contemporary fairy tale revolves around the unlikely friendship between a...
Sparks fly when Anna Penn and Charlie Hudson meet. Unfortunately, they're both engaged to other people. In fact, they're staying at the same New York...
Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unconventional means to solve the department's most...
Charlie is a non-traditional therapist specializing in anger management. He has a successful private practice and he performs pro bono counseling for...
The four become friends in a club bar and their relationship develops. They do not consider each other friends but want to love each other. Some are...
A romantic comedy about a thriller dramas screenwriter and an actress that specializes in romantic comedy. While the writer chooses not to date, the...
Based on a novel by Jun Ioka, the Hulu series follows the relationship between Keisuke Okuyama, a brilliant attorney and his troubling client Tatsuya...