Sunny Side Battle! is an OVA that was released with Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. It features Itachi making breakfast for Sasuke...
In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race...
The Bronze Saints enter the deepest realm of the Underworld, Elysion, where they face off against Hades's two most powerful servants, The Twin Gods,...
An orphan known as Tenma becomes one of Athena's 88 warriors known as Saints and finds himself in a war fighting against his best friend Alone who is...
The story is set in an alternate world called Geminar, where countries have fought endless wars with replicas of humanoid Seikishi weapons that they...
Six long months have passed. The Raalgon Empire has developed a horrible new type of weapon, and Tylor has been charged with the duty of intercepting...