The story about Jimmy Barka, a young vagabond who works as a seasonal worker. Having been sacked from the job, his dreams are to become a singer. As...
Pup Star is back for an all-new adventure! After winning the canine competition show Pup Star and becoming an international pup sensation, Tiny, the...
Each year, hopeful singers from all over the country audition to be part of one of the biggest shows in American television history. Who will become...
Competitors are given elaborate masks to wear in order to conceal their identity, thus removing factors such as popularity, career and age that could...
Each episode features two A-list celebrities like you've never seen them before - syncing their hearts out in hysterically epic performances. Hosted...
Deutschland sucht den Superstar is a German reality talent show, also commonly known by its initials DSDS. Part of the Idol franchise, it was created...
Trot music has been around listeners for decades, providing consolation and cheer people up. On the verge of the second hot wave of trot music, MISS...