Young musician Zach Sobiech discovers his cancer has spread, leaving him just a few months to live. With limited time, he follows his dream and makes...
The drama tells the story of John Lennon's teenage years in Liverpool and the start of his journey to becoming a successful musician. The story also...
Straight out of Jersey comes Patricia Dombrowski, a.k.a. Killa P, a.k.a. Patti Cake$, an aspiring rapper fighting through a world of strip malls and...
It's a movie for everyone whose life has been thrown off-course, out of whack, or simply not turned out the way they planned it. In other words, it's...
Billy Collier is a photographer working on a series of pictures featuring recreations of movie kisses, with drag queens playing the female roles. For...
Tells the story of an African immigrant surviving on the fringes of New York City where music is his passion, life is a hustle and falling in love is...
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