Shiratori Mikoto utilizes his keen observation skills as a badminton player. However, a traumatic incident at the Interhigh leaves him unable to play...
In junior high, Ryou Mizushima and his friends join the badminton club on a whim. As he grows fond of the sport, Ryou works tirelessly to improve his...
Ayano Hanesaki, a first-year student at Kanagawa Prefectural Kitakomachi High School, has a badminton ability able to surpass others effortlessly yet...
Ping An is an autistic teenager who gains recognition for being a badminton prodigy. Zihao is his younger brother and a fellow badminton player. Xiao...
Annbritt, a once-promising badminton player, has been going downhill ever since 1983, attributing her defeat in the Swedish championship final to an...
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