In Babel, a tragic incident involving an American couple in Morocco sparks a chain of events for four families in different countries throughout the...
Set in 1988 in Hiroshima, Japan, prior to the enactment of the anti-organized crime law. A rumor exists that Detective Shogo Ogami has ties with the...
A reconstruction of the shipwreck of Costa Concordia, occurred on the night of 13 January 2012 in front of the Island of Giglio. A tragic night, full...
Born in an affluent family, Sakurako is grown beautiful but rather spirited and speaks roughly. As an osteologist, she reconstructs skeletal remains...
Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş, Li her tiştî bigerin No Ads, Mîlyon sernav û her roj zêde kirin, Hemî platform û Bi Tevahî Optîmîze kirin, Her der û her dem