Experiential short film exploring the unique physics and unfamiliarity of the microcosmos, investigating the relationship of microbes and the quantum...
The life, death, and resurrection of Elvis Presley, as he is transformed from man into product. Composed primarily of an illustrated biography filmed...
Jean Comandon, pioneer of microcinematography, recorded this time-lapse film in c. 1910, using a ultramicroscope. The film show living spiral shaped...
Take a dive into the tiny, unseen world that surrounds us! With music by Andrew Huang, footage from James Weiss, and narration by Hank Green, we want...
Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş, Li her tiştî bigerin No Ads, Mîlyon sernav û her roj zêde kirin, Hemî platform û Bi Tevahî Optîmîze kirin, Her der û her dem