Lacking a formal narrative, Warhol's mammoth film follows various residents of the Chelsea Hotel in 1966 New York City. The film was intended to be...
An immersive installation by the artist and filmmaker. "Coda" to Looking for Langston.
Polar Life’s novelty was its theatre, with the audience seated on a central rotating turntable in the middle of eleven fixed screens. Viewers...
Using the structure and duration of a pop song, artist Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay comments on the pervasiveness of communication in “the...
Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş, Li her tiştî bigerin No Ads, Mîlyon sernav û her roj zêde kirin, Hemî platform û Bi Tevahî Optîmîze kirin, Her der û her dem