Night mode
Hesabê xweya BELA çalak bikin!

Pirtûkxaneya fîlim û vîdyoya me tenê ji hêla endaman ve dikare were weşandin an dakêşandin

Berdewam temaşekirina BELA

Ji bo Tomarbûnê ji 1 hûrdem kêmtire wê hingê hûn dikarin sernavên Fîlim & TV-ya Bêsînor kêf bikin.

00:00:00 / 01:36:00

降霊 2000 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

降霊 2000 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

A psychic housewife and her husband accidentally find a kidnapped girl. But instead of informing the police, they hatch a scheme to get famous by working with the police as a psychic consultant to "find" the girl. And then, things start to go terribly wrong.

Bi hezaran fîlim û TV pêşandan belaş bikin.