A kitten who is being tormented by a bulldog finds a savior in a black cat (from the "Black Cat Bad Luck Company") who merely has to cross the dog's...
Bulldog Marc Anthony, guarding a construction site, finds a kitten, Pussyfoot, to whom he affectionately gives a wiener for lunch. A hungry grown cat...
A cat, tired of being abused by everyone in his neighborhood, disguises himself as a skunk and inadvertently attracts the romantic advances of a real...
Daffy Duck is working as a babysitter for the Acme Baby Sitting Agency. While he's sitting on a chicken egg, it hatches. The chick decides Daffy is a...
Collection of classic Tex Avery visual gags, set up as a battle between a sleep-deprived bulldog who just wants some shut-eye and a rooster driven by...
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